people would question the fact that the Holy Spirit in some way
dwells within the Christian. Paul wrote to the saints in
Corinth: "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the
Holy Ghost which is in you..."
(I Cor. 6:19).
He further wrote, "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,
he is none of his"
(Romans 8:9).
There is considerable disagreement, however, as to how the
Spirit dwells within a Christian. It is not our aim in this
short article to deal with that issue, but we do want to suggest
three facts that must be remembered as one studies the question.
(1) The age of miracles is past.
only people in the gospel age who ever performed miracles were
those who either received the baptism of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:1-4; 10:44-46)
received spiritual gifts through the laying on of the apostles'
(Acts 8:5-23; 19:1-7).
one receives either of these today. The purpose of the miracles
was to reveal and confirm truth
(I Cor. 2:7-13; Mark 16:19,20).
Since all truth has been revealed
(John 16:13)
there is no further need for miracles. One's conclusion,
therefore, concerning the indwelling of the Spirit must be
compatible with this fact.
(2) The Christian is led by the Spirit through
the scriptures, the word of God
(Psa. 119:105; II Tim. 3: 16,17; Eph. 3:3,4).
He does not have some inner voice, separate from
the scriptures, that somehow guides him into infallible
conclusions in relation to truth and right. Nor is
there anything in the scriptures that suggests that God's
providence somehow works through the indwelling of the Spirit.
Consequently, one makes a serious mistake if he interprets his
feelings or subjective thinking as some kind of message provided
by the indwelling Spirit.
(3) Statements concerning the indwelling of the
Spirit were not placed in the scriptures as problems to be
wrestled with.
They were placed there for one's assurance and consolation. A
Christian sustains a very close fellowship with deity — so close
that it can be said that he dwells in deity and deity dwells in
him. In persecution, trials, temptations, and death his
recognition of this close relationship sustains him and helps
him to become triumphant in Christ. The apostles never felt the
need to explain how this indwelling takes place. Pentecostalism
and other misconceptions concerning the Holy Spirit force the
Christian of this generation to be concerned with this problem.
If, however, statements concerning the indwelling of the Spirit
become primarily to him a problem to be wrestled with; if his
obsession with the "how" of the Spirit's indwelling blinds him
to the "fact" of that indwelling, he makes a serious mistake and
may fail to find the joy and consolation that should be gained
through the Lord's promise.
Differences will continue to exist, but a constant remembrance
of these three facts should protect any one of us from dangerous
conclusions in relation to this question.
Other Articles by Bill Hall
Two Men Can't Agree on
Two Men Know They Are Saved
The Church's Purpose
Attitudes Towards the Weak
The Booing Spectators
Two Men Disagree With the Preacher