Imagine that today was the last day of each person you see
today. Everyone you associate with at work, school, where you
attend worship, your family, your friends, your acquaintances.
If you knew today was their last day in this life, what might
you do/say differently? How would your conversation, your
actions, your thoughts with/toward that person change?
Now, imagine it's your last day on this earth. How might you
treat people differently, what would you leave them with, how
would your last day on this earth change people for the better?
What would others' last memory of you be? Who would you try to
lead to heaven with each word spoken, each action carefully
considered, each thought soberly weighed and chosen?
Treat today as if it were your last time seeing everyone in this
life, and conduct yourself accordingly, honorably, honestly, and
righteously. Take this day seriously, friend, for we will answer
to God for every moment of it.
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