How large
is your church?" "What is one of the more common questions that I am
asked by outsiders who learn that I am a preacher. We hear of phenomenal
growth among certain denominational churches, especially those which put
undue emphasis on emotionalism. Examples of unusual and rapid growth are
also cited among churches of Christ from time to time.
misunderstand! This writer is opposed to neither growth among the Lord's
people nor the proper use of emotions. Growth based on the truth of God
is an ideal for which we should long
(Eph 4:14-16).
We are concerned, however, about growth which is accomplished by
maintaining a high peak of excitement or through techniques which are
more appropriate to sales promotions than to the gospel of Christ.
churches small is certainly not our goal. Every person in attendance
represents a soul destined for eternity. Churches need to grow, and they
will as souls are saved by the gospel of Christ
(Rom 1:16-17).
The method by which the desired growth is achieved is extremely
important. Simply preaching and teaching the word of God often seems to
yield slim results. In an effort to grow, we are sometimes tempted to
use methods which, if not unscriptural, are at best questionable. Here
we wish to look at a few of these. questionable methods which involve
the improper use of emotion.
1. Super Salesmanship Techniques.
The church which uses such methods must be highly
organized into groups with leaders who are responsible for keeping each
group motivated. The group must make so many "sales." Everyone must
remain excited about the work. Excitement, or enthusiasm, becomes
addictive… the group must constantly be "high." The assembly can become
a "pep rally" with the elders, the preacher, the announcer, and perhaps
even the song leader taking part.
need to be active in the work of the Lord, but these "super salesmanship
techniques" keep one enthused but do nothing to provide a foundation on
which to build.
this foundation we are sure to
fall (1 Cor 3:10-15).
Christians are to edify (build up) one another. Notice Paul's
instruction along this line even during the days of miraculous gifts
(I Cor 14:12,26).
religion of excitement won't do this.
If we want
to learn how to motivate Christians we should spend our time studying
the methods of Jesus and the apostles rather than the line of books,
tapes, videos, and seminars used to motivate sales people. When our
assemblies or group meetings sound more like a pep rally for a ball
game, or for a sales promotion, than an opportunity to praise God and
study His word, we need to become concerned. The narcotic of activism
may be lulling us to sleep.
2. Humor.
Humor is an interesting and worthwhile human activity. It
often occurs naturally or spontaneously when we least expect it. it
might be during the Lord's Supper, like when the child standing in the
pew beside his mother exclaims aloud, "Wow, I could have had a V‑8!"
That's one thing! But intentionally to try to make things funny in order
to keep a group excited is improper. A friend told me of visiting a
congregation where nearly everyone who took part in the public service
began with something "cute." This, I think, is inappropriate.
3. Physical Contact.
Some churches fall into the habit of stressing physical
contact. Leaders sometime teach this by their example. Saints greet one
another with a hug because we are the "family" of God and are supposed
to love one another.
In New
Testament times, the kiss was a typical form of greeting, even as it
still is in the Middle East today. Christians were exhorted to salute
one another with a "holy" kiss
(Rom 16:16).
There is nothing wrong with a warm, fervent greeting, per se. We must
not make the mistake of assuming that this proves that we "love" one
another. Love (Greek: agape) is best expressed by deeds of kindness done
for those in need. Christian men and women need to be careful how they
embrace one another. Emotions are stirred easily, especially in young
men. The attitude can be developed which thinks that others who do not
show their love in the same way are not spiritually minded Christians.
When the seventy disciples returned from their first
mission, they rejoiced because of the miraculous power they had seen
demonstrated even at their own hands. Jesus said, "Nevertheless do not
rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that
your names are recorded in heaven"
(Luke 10:20).
Their emotions led them in the wrong direction. Our past criticism of
the denominational emphasis on emotion has been proper. Now we should
examine ourselves to see whether our emotions are balanced with fact and
reason. My observation has been that churches which go wild over
excitement are just waiting for the fall. Another writer has somewhere
pointed out that mushrooms grow overnight, but it takes longer to grow
an oak.
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