Here are some statistics
on living together before marriage from Michael McManus, the president
of Marriage Savers. Statistically speaking, living together is not a
trial of marriage, but rather a training for divorce.
キ The
number of unmarried couples living together soared 12-fold from 430,000
in 1960 to 5.4 million in 2005.
キ More
than eight out of ten couples who live together will break up either
before the wedding or afterwards in divorce.
キ About
45 percent of those who begin cohabiting, do not marry. Another 5-10
percent continue living together and do not marry.
キ Couples
who do marry after living together are 50% more likely to divorce than
those who did not.
キ Only
12 percent of couples who have begun their relationship with
cohabitation end up with a marriage lasting 10 years or more.
キ A
Penn State study reports that even a month痴 cohabitation decreases the
quality of the couple痴 relationship.
Here are some more
statistics relating to the children of cohabiting parents.
キ Children
of cohabiting parents are ten times more likely to be sexually abused by
a stepparent than by a parent.
キ Children
of cohabiting parents are three times as likely to be expelled from
school or to get pregnant as teenagers than children from an intact home
with married parents.
Children of cohabiting
parents are five times more apt to live in poverty, and 22 times more
likely to incarcerated.
Editors Note:
This has become a
very common practice
on campus and unfortunately has influenced some Christians as well.
Parents need to talk to their children before they go to college about
purity and proper relationships.
Hebrews 13:4 (NKJV)
honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and
adulterers God will judge.
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