If you
are doing anything right, you should have caught Satan’s attention by
now (Ref. Job 1:6).
One of our great blessings is that while our adversary is powerful, he
is NOT God. Satan’s powers are intimidating enough as it is
(Matt. 4). It
appears that the deceiver goes after people who stand out as examples in
the Kingdom of God. The Evil Spirit seduced Kings Saul
(1 Sam.16:14)
and David (1
Chr.21:1). When the Jews were attempting to restore Jerusalem in
the days of Nehemiah, the father of lies accused the high priest Joshua
The ruler of darkness in this world was always after Peter
sifting him like wheat
(Luke 22:31).
The accuser of our brethren managed to put it into the heart of Judas to
betray Jesus
(Jno.13:2, 27). Belial controlled the wickedness in the gentile
world and our culture is under the evil spirit’s power
(Acts 26:18).
The devil made life difficult for the Apostle Paul, always trying to
gain the advantage over the Apostle
(2 Cor.2:11),
literally mugging him with sharp pain
(2 Cor.12:7),
snatching away the souls of those he taught who hesitated in their
attention to the gospel
(Luke 8:12).
Beelzebub managed to throw many a monkey wrench into Paul’s missionary
plans (1 Thess.1:18).
The deceiver sends his lying servants out into the church to do his will
in the disguise of ministers of truth
(2 Cor.11:14),
as preachers of tares in the field sown with good seed
The murdering spirit lies in predatory wait
(1 Pet.5:8)
for the babes (1
Tim.3:6, 7), the self-satisfied
(Jas.4:6, 7),
the deceived and ignorant in the church
(2 Tim.2:25, 26)
that he might pick them off.
Satan is NOT omnipresent. He is only one place at a time. He must "roam
up and down upon the earth"
(Job 1:7).
Satan is NOT omniscient. This snake did not know the Almighty’s plan of
redemption, for if he had, he would never have allowed the crucifixion
of Jesus (1 Cor.2:8;
Rev.12:1ff). The devil is NOT omnipotent. If we resist him
(Jas.4:7), or
fight back against him with God’s weapons
he will flee.
best defense is in knowing how Satan works against us, because he can
only gain the advantage over us if we are unaware of him
(2 Cor. 2:11).
Satan is like all predators - he goes after those who are around the one
he wants. If he cannot get the elder, the deacon, the preacher, the
saint, then he goes after those who are close to them: their friends,
family, and loved ones.
permits success and praise to come to those he would bring low that they
might be lifted up in their own confidence. The earlier the better for
this, Satan has learned, that inexperience coupled with arrogance might
make his prey vulnerable to his testing. Beware when all men speak well
of you. Those who live godly in Christ Jesus and prove resistant to the
slanderer’s wiles, he defames, and spreads malicious lies that he might
discourage the righteous and blunt their influence.
If he
cannot corrupt you, he will seek to kill you. If he cannot take your
life like the murderer he is, then he will rob you of the lives and
happiness of the ones you love. If he is prevented from this, he will
attack your body with weakness, pain and disease. He will constantly use
the evil in others to destroy your name and influence. He will withstand
the good you seek to do, hinder your labor, and reduce your
mistake the evil providence of Satan for the good providence of God.
Your only defense when Satan brings you under attack is to keep your
faith in God’s loving power. Never lay aside your shield of faith, or he
will kill you without mercy. He who works in us is greater than he who
works in the world
(1 Jno.4:4).
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