The whole world is aware
of the accumulating mountains of waste and garbage threatening our
planet. Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution are all becoming
familiar terms. Every major city seems to be having problems with
garbage disposal. We must find some way to handle the garbage, or it
will finally overwhelm us.
The human body, like any
well ordered house, has also its garbage disposal equipment. Every time
you expel a lung full of air you are throwing off poisonous elements
that would very quickly destroy you if they were not discharged from the
body. The pores of your skin open up to emit from your system waste
material which is deadly if allowed to accumulate. The digestive and
urinary systems daily discharge waste materials which ordinarily would
bring death to any human being if allowed to accumulate for only one
short week.
But the mind of man has
no such safe-guard! Nature has provided us with "garbage disposal"
equipment for the physical organism. What a pity that we do not come
also equipped with some sort of mental incinerator where we could
forever destroy the mental and emotional "garbage" which keeps on piling
up, year after year, destroying our happiness, our effectiveness, and
even perhaps destroying our chance of heaven! It is quite as important
to keep the mind and heart in good condition as it is the house or the
physical organism.
The physical body
disposes of its poisonous waste materials quite automatically and as a
matter of course. To remove the harmful garbage from the mind requires
deliberate and specific effort toward that end. The Bible points the
1. "Thinketh no evil"
Paul's characterization of a loving heart. Does someone slight you at
church? are some of your `friends' saying hateful, spiteful things about
you? does your employer over-burden you with work? In short, are you
abused, mistreated, unappreciated? What a sad and dreary spectacle is
the man who is filled with self-pity! The easiest and best way to
eliminate such from your life is to refuse it entrance in the first
place! Put the best possible construction (instead of the worst) on the
statement another may make concerning you. But suppose the evil is
there, open, glaring, and unmistakable. What then? The answer is simple:
refuse to cherish or nourish the "hurt" you have received. Hatred in the
heart is far more destructive and corrosive in its effects on the one
who harbors it, more hurtful to the one who hates than it is to the
object of the hatred.
2. "Forgetting those
things that are past." Every spring it used to be the custom of most
house-wives to have a "house-cleaning." Closets were cleaned out; rugs
taken outside and beaten (how we used to hate that job!) blankets and
quilts were washed and stored for the summer. It would be a most
healthful practice if at regular intervals each person could make a list
of all the things he needs to forget! pull out the old grudges, harsh
words, mistakes and failures (and a lot of the successes, too!) and put
them behind you... Put your fears and anxieties in the mental
incinerator, and turn up the burners. Get rid of your old prejudices and
childish animosities.
3. "Think on these
are the words that follow the long catalogue of healthful and
productive items that should occupy the mind. The list
(Philippians 4:8)
is 'positive thinking' at its best. If the mind is filled with this kind
of "whatsoever things" the very presence of such thoughts will tend to
nullify and cast out hurtful, lustful, fearful, sinful thoughts that
otherwise might accumulate.
So-o-o-o, maybe, after
all, man DOES have that "mental incinerator," that device by which the
poisonous and evil things that might contaminate the heart are destroyed
and rendered innocuous....
At least, it is worth
giving a try.
Other Articles by F. Yater Tant
Going Home
Authorized by Well Defined and a Clear Majority of
Churches of Christ in Texas