"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness."
(Matthew 6:33)
Labor Day is welcomed holiday to pause and rest from our labors. It is
good time to reflect on, "For what am I ultimately working?" Do I live
to work? Or do I just work to live?
Jesus' teaching implies that each day we face a choice. Will I pursue
God's agenda or my own foremost? Truly, "choices are the hinges of
destiny." God's "kingdom" is His reign over my life. Does God control my
life? His "righteousness" is following the rightness of His will, which
I can only know by study of His Word
(Psa. 19:8).
attitude is a result of what I choose to focus upon. What I choose to
focus upon depends on what I deem most important. What I deem most
important depends on whether I'm seeking God's or my selfish desires
above all. Jesus urges us to get in touch with the part of us that will
live forever: "Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food
which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you"
(Jn. 6:27).
world surrounds us with a multitude of distractions, like "worries" or
"the deceitfulness of riches" or "the desire for other things," which
can "choke" God's word and work in my life
(Mk. 4:18-19).
A bumper sticker reads, "I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go." Am I
making a living of temporary earthly stuff or making a life for God?
be spiritually fruitful, I must focus upon and "welcome" God's truth
into my heart as life's greatest priority
(Mk. 4:20).
Each day, I must decide if I will listen to God, which alone can
strengthen my soul. Or, will I listen to the babble of worldly
distractions, which will only delude and destroy my spiritual life, by
consuming my life with earthly labor?
Let's remember that our greatest labor is seeking and serving God. This
work of faith endures forever!
Other Articles by W. Frank Walton
God's Faithful Promises
Heavenly Power in Human Relations
Before the Foot Hits the Floor