heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by
them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven”
(Matthew 6:1).
tests our character more than having to choose between motives.
When there is a good deed to be done, for example, our character is
tested: will we do it simply to glorify God or will we do it “to be seen
by men”? That is a hard choice — much harder than most of us are willing
to admit.
itself is not evil, of course, but there’s no denying that it has the
potential to hurt us. Indeed, it’s a rare person who can receive more
than a moderate amount of recognition and not have his or her attitude
marred by it. That doesn’t stop us from wanting it, however. As Norman
Vincent Peale once said, “Most of us would rather be ruined by praise
than saved by criticism.”
As for
our motives, it’s hard to be honest as to what they really are. The
desire to be noticed and recognized as having done something good can be
so subtle that it can be our real motive at times when we would say that
it isn’t. In a given situation, it’s difficult to see when the thing
that we really want is to be praised.
it is stating it too strongly to say that we want “to be seen by men.”
But what about that word “recognized”? A little appreciative attention
is an intoxicating thing. Once we’ve experienced it, even as children,
it’s easy for that to become the payoff that we seek (be truthful now!)
in every transaction thereafter.
needs of self, including the need to be appreciated, are not
unimportant, of course. But God has set up reality such that
self’s needs are satisfied most fully when we put out priorities
elsewhere. Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and
all these things shall be added unto you”
(Matthew 6:33).
let’s be very honest.
Why do we do what we do for God? Do we serve Him as faithfully in
private as in public? If no one ever noticed or thanked us, would we be
content simply to know that God had been glorified? And if so, would we
then avoid the opposite sin: being privately smug, knowing that we are
“big” enough to do what’s right even though nobody appreciates us?
cannot say ‘Thine is the glory’ if I am seeking my own glory first”
Other Articles by Gary Henry
Loving What is Right
Love Lets Us be Free
Determined Not to Miss Out
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