Why do some people
not see religious things the way we see them? Why is there so much
difference between what we teach and what the denominations profess? Do
we not all have the same Bible? Are we not all trying to serve the same
God? Do we not all believe in the same Savior? These are perplexing
questions, and they are not easily answered to everyone's satisfaction.
Basically, our
understanding of the Scriptures differs from the majority of the
religious world because we operate on a different principle of
interpretation. To most religious people "truth" is relative, adjusting
freely to different times and circumstances. For us, however, truth is
truth. It is unalterable, unchangeable, and everlasting. But did "we"
just arbitrarily decide this would be our regard for truth? Not at all.
God's own word boldly claims "thy word is truth"
(John 17:17)
and "the word of the Lord is right; and all His works are done in
(Psalm 33:4)
While there are scoffers at the idea of absolute truth, we accept Bible
teaching that such does exist, and we are determined to know it.
Pilate's piercing question, "What is truth?"
(John 18:38)
was prompted by these words from Jesus: "I have come into the world that
I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears
My voice."
This then, is the
basis upon which we may come to see religious matters alike. There must
be a commitment to the same standard of truth. No one would ever attempt
to use differing standards of measurement if building a house, marking
off a football field, or sewing a garment. This would guarantee error
and disaster. Twelve inches must equal one foot on all our rulers if we
desire uniformity. There must be a healthy regard and respect for the
Bible on the part of every religious person in order for understanding
to occur. Without this common devotion to God's word, all efforts to see
things the same will fail. In order to come to agreement on matters
essential to salvation, we must begin where we agree. From this point we
must study the Scriptures, resolving differences as we go along. Major
problems of difference are solved in small steps, and then we can be
united in Christ. But we will never see things the same if we cannot
agree on the existence, necessity, and location of the truth.
No Bible discussion
is profitable unless every participant is a truth seeker. If everyone
concerned really wants the truth, then coming to an agreement and an
understanding of truth will be achievable. Believe it or not, it is
possible to discuss religious differences without becoming rude or
creating hurt feelings. People who love the truth are not concerned with
who is right, but with what is right. Every truth seeker is willing to
surrender any position if it is false. There is no other honorable
course for an honest man. An honest man will seek the truth, and when he
finds it he will believe it. "Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also
wisdom and instruction and understanding."
(Proverbs 23:23).
Other Articles by Mark White
Leaving An Apostate Congregation
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