The Auburn Beacon
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Thoughts To Ponder


Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
(Proverbs 27:6) 


University church of Christ


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Larry Rouse
1174 Terrace Acres Drive
Auburn, AL 36830

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Walker Davis
1653 Millbranch Drive,
Auburn, AL 36832

Cell:    (334) 703-0050
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449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830


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A Study of the Local Church
Wed. Night Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Download the outlines:
Lesson1 - Attitudes Towards Open Study and Resolving Differences
Lesson 2 - The Need to Find Bible Authority
Lesson 3 - The Local Church and the Individual Christian
Lesson 4 - The Work of a Local Church
Lesson 5 - The Organization of a Local Church
Lesson 6 - The Fellowship of a Christian

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Click Here to Hear:

A Friendly Discussion on Mormonism

Held at the University church of Christ -
February 17, 2011


Following the Footsteps of Jesus
Bible Class by Larry Rouse

Download the current outlines:
Lesson1 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Baptism
Lesson 2 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Praying
Lesson 3 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Teaching
Lesson4 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus to the Cross

Lesson 5 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus to Heaven

Click Here for Audio and Other Files

Building a Biblical  Faith

College Class

 Click Here for Outlines, Audio and Other Files


A Study of Evangelism
(Studies in the Cross of Christ)
College Bible Class by Larry Rouse


A Study of the Life of Joseph

Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files

Building a Biblical Home Bible Class Series

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files



The Tragedy of Prejudice     

by Robert Wayne LaCoste


Prejudice is tragic! It is one of the most dangerous and insidious states of mind among men today. It is a sin against the God of Heaven, a destroyer of its victims and a hindrance to the cause of truth, wherever it is found. Every person has some prejudice to some extent, regarding some things. He may have a preference for some items such as food, clothing, colors, books, etc. These prejudices may not endanger his soul eternally speaking or hurt his influence with others, but it could deprive him of something he might otherwise enjoy in this life.

Prejudice does not always mean that an individual is wrong in his views, but it always does mean that he does not hold the views out of conviction from real evidence, otherwise it would not be prejudice.

It is perhaps good at this time to inquire just what prejudice means. Our English word is from two Latin terms: prae meaning before, and judicium meaning judgment. Webster accordingly defines it as "prejudgment, an opinion of mind without due examination." So we can see that prejudice is a conclusion before and without examination of the real facts!

The attitude and action of the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and elders among the Jews toward Jesus is a perfect example of prejudice and its consequences. How they could witness His miracles and not believe in Him is amazing indeed! The apostle Peter said on Pentecost, "Jesus approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by Him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know" (Acts 2:22). But these Jews were not convinced at the time Jesus was here of these truths. His perfect life did not prove anything to them. Why? In fact Jesus asked the Jews, "Which of you convinceth me of sin?" (Jn. 8:46). The fact that they could not find anything wrong with Jesus did not erase their prejudice and the hardness of their hearts!

His teaching was far superior to any other teacher they had ever heard, "For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes" (Matt. 7:29). Yet His superior ability to teach proved nothing to them either.

The Scriptures which they claimed to revere and esteem told of Christ. "Search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are that which testify of me" (Jn. 5:39). They were not convinced from their own law and that was a revelation from God! Why? Simple, they were prejudiced!

People in this present generation have seared their consciences, hardened their hearts, and turned away with many a deaf ear. Their attitude is like one expressed and heard many times, "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up." This is exactly the position of the prejudiced person. Such an attitude can only lead to eternal separation from God (2 Thess. 1:7-9)!

It is just as wrong for me to be prejudiced toward you, as it is for you to be prejudiced toward me. Many in the Lord's church are certainly prejudiced about many things. Prejudiced about denominations; prejudiced about names, practices, etc. The love of Christ cannot abide where and when a heart is governed by prejudice. Let each of us search our hearts and make sure we have the facts and all the facts before we draw any conclusions and make any decisions! Most of all, let's make sure our decisions are governed by Divine Writ, not by human, uninspired dogma and tradition. The former, not the latter, will "judge us in the last day" (Jn. 12:48; 2 Cor. 5:10).

Guardian of Truth - November 1, 1984



Other Articles

Contrasting Churches
Deciding on Perspective
A Fools Approach
Should I Respond?

A Godly Man in Wicked Surroundings
Aid or Addition - What is the Difference?
Passing Judgment on Others
Present Day Church Problems (Part 1)

Standing Alone
Two Men Disagree With the Preacher


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The Assembly of the Saints

Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - How Can We Know What God Wants?
Lesson 2 - What Is a Local church?
Lesson 3 - The Lord's Supper

Lesson 4 - Should Women Speak in the Assembly?
Lesson 5 - What is the Place and Purpose of the Contribution?
Lesson 6 - Misconceptions about the Assembly


Studies by David Tant at the University church of Christ

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


How to Study the Bible
College Class

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


You are Invited to Hear
Dee Bowman of Pasadena, Texas

In a Series of Bible Lectures
August 21-24, Sunday - Wednesday
at the University church of Christ in Auburn, AL


For More Details Click Here


Messianic Prophecies in the Book of Isaiah
Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Sunday Mornings at 9:30
Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - The Time and Reign of the Messiah
Lesson 2 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 42)
Lesson 3 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 49)
Lesson 4 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 50)
Lesson 5 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 52-53)
Lesson 6 - The Virgin Birth (Isaiah 7)

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Sermon Series on the Book of 1 John
by Robert Harkrider

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Hear Mark Broyles on "Marriage as God Designed It"

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


A Study of Religious Beliefs

Wednesday Night College Bible Class

Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - Introduction and Approach
Lesson 2 - The Roman Catholic Church
Lesson 3 - An Overview of Islam
Lesson 4 - An Overview of Mormonism
Lesson 5 - An Overview of Pentecostalism
Lesson 6 - An Overview of Calvinism


Student Sunday Night Home Study and Singing



For Additional Information and Past Audio and Outlines Click Here

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