The Auburn Beacon
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

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Thoughts To Ponder


 Therefore, having these promises,
beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all
filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

(2 Corinthians 7:1)


University church of Christ


Assembly Times


   Bible Classes (9:30)

   AM Worship (10:20)

   PM Worship (6:00 pm)


   Bible Classes
(7:00 PM)



449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830
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Larry Rouse
1174 Terrace Acres Drive
Auburn, AL 36830

Cell:    (334) 734-2133
(334) 209-9165

Walker Davis
1653 Millbranch Drive,
Auburn, AL 36832

Cell:    (334) 703-0050
Home: (334) 826-3690

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church of Christ

449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830


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A Study of the Local Church
Wed. Night Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Download the outlines:
Lesson1 - Attitudes Towards Open Study and Resolving Differences
Lesson 2 - The Need to Find Bible Authority
Lesson 3 - The Local Church and the Individual Christian
Lesson 4 - The Work of a Local Church
Lesson 5 - The Organization of a Local Church
Lesson 6 - The Fellowship of a Christian

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Click Here to Hear:

A Friendly Discussion on Mormonism

Held at the University church of Christ -
February 17, 2011


Following the Footsteps of Jesus
Bible Class by Larry Rouse

Download the current outlines:
Lesson1 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Baptism
Lesson 2 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Praying
Lesson 3 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Teaching
Lesson4 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus to the Cross

Lesson 5 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus to Heaven

Click Here for Audio and Other Files

Building a Biblical  Faith

College Class

 Click Here for Outlines, Audio and Other Files


A Study of Evangelism
(Studies in the Cross of Christ)
College Bible Class by Larry Rouse


A Study of the Life of Joseph

Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files

Building a Biblical Home Bible Class Series

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files



Nadab, Abihu and the Strange Fire    

by Tom Edwards


The Old Testament abounds with numerous examples that illustrate New Testament principles, such as in Leviticus 10:1,2, in which the lesson is taught that God will not accept just any kind of worship. It reads, ``Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans, and after putting fire in them, placed incense on it and offered strange fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them. And fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord.'' What was this ``strange fire'' they used? According to the text, it was simply a fire which God did not authorize--apparently, fire from another source.

On the Day of Atonement, Aaron was to take ``a firepan full of coals of fire from upon the altar...and...put the incense on the fire'' (Leviticus 16:12,13). And, as Leviticus 6:12,13 shows, the fire was to be kept burning continually upon the altar. For Aaron to have, therefore, used some other source for fire, would have caused him to violate God's word just as Nadab and Abihu had done.

When the Lord specifies a certain way for something to be performed, He doesn't have to enumerate on all the ways in which it cannot be.  For example, when God told Noah to build an ark using gopher wood, this automatically eliminated the use of any other kind. The Lord did not have to say, ``And thou shalt not use hickory, cedar, cypress, walnut, maple,'' and so.

This principle of ``specific commands'' is seen often in the Bible.  Take, for instance, the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine that are to be used in the Lord's Supper. By specifying these two elements--the former to represent Christ's body, and the latter to represent His blood--the use of anything else is automatically excluded.  Therefore, to use something(s) in addition to, or in place of, would be to profane the communion.

Most people realize this and would find it sacrilegious to add cake and ice cream to the Lord's Supper or to substitute the fruit of the vine with Coke or Pepsi, but why can't they also see this with regard to the music the church is to use in worshiping God; It is to be a cappella, which is singing without the accompaniment of instrumental music. This is because God has specifically commanded His people to ``sing'' for this New Testament age and has never included authority for using instruments in worship (Col. 3:16). Though the use of such was commanded during the Mosaical Period, this is irrelevant to how we are to worship God during this Gospel Age in which we now live.  Today it is just the instrument of the heart that is to accompany are singing in praise and worship to God (Eph. 5:19).

In Leviticus 10:3 the implication is made that Nadab and Abihu did not honor God, nor treat Him as holy, because they chose to change God's plan and serve the Lord their own way. Do we ever see this happening today? Unfortunately, we do--and not just with instrumental music. Yet we do not have any more right to tamper with God's word in our time than those who lived during the age of Nadab and Abihu. We must search the Scriptures to learn of God's authority, and respect that authority by humbling submitting to it through obedience.

May this lesson of Nadab and Abihu help us to not make the same mistake of tampering with God's word--no matter how insignificant it might seem--realizing that if we want to truly honor and worship the Lord, we must do so His way and not our own.



Other Articles by Tom Edwards

Time is Swift
The Pride that Blinds
The Essentiality of Belief in the Resurrection
The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Learning to Yield to One Another
The Lord's Supper


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The Assembly of the Saints

Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - How Can We Know What God Wants?
Lesson 2 - What Is a Local church?
Lesson 3 - The Lord's Supper

Lesson 4 - Should Women Speak in the Assembly?
Lesson 5 - What is the Place and Purpose of the Contribution?
Lesson 6 - Misconceptions about the Assembly


Studies by David Tant at the University church of Christ

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


How to Study the Bible
College Class

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


You are Invited to Hear
Dee Bowman of Pasadena, Texas

In a Series of Bible Lectures
August 21-24, Sunday - Wednesday
at the University church of Christ in Auburn, AL


For More Details Click Here


Messianic Prophecies in the Book of Isaiah
Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Sunday Mornings at 9:30
Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - The Time and Reign of the Messiah
Lesson 2 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 42)
Lesson 3 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 49)
Lesson 4 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 50)
Lesson 5 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 52-53)
Lesson 6 - The Virgin Birth (Isaiah 7)

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Sermon Series on the Book of 1 John
by Robert Harkrider

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Hear Mark Broyles on "Marriage as God Designed It"

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


A Study of Religious Beliefs

Wednesday Night College Bible Class

Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - Introduction and Approach
Lesson 2 - The Roman Catholic Church
Lesson 3 - An Overview of Islam
Lesson 4 - An Overview of Mormonism
Lesson 5 - An Overview of Pentecostalism
Lesson 6 - An Overview of Calvinism


Student Sunday Night Home Study and Singing



For Additional Information and Past Audio and Outlines Click Here

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