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Brethren, join in
following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern.

(Philippians 3:17)



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University church of Christ


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449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830
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Larry Rouse
1174 Terrace Acres Drive
Auburn, AL 36830

Cell:    (334) 734-2133
(334) 209-9165

Walker Davis
1653 Millbranch Drive,
Auburn, AL 36832

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church of Christ

449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830


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Majoring and Minoring

by Connie W. Adams


More and more we are hearing that "we need to major in the gospels and minor in the epistles." What is that all about? What it is about is the so-called "new hermeneutic." It places greater importance on what Jesus said and did than on what the apostles said and did. It is a part of the scheme to rid ourselves of the restraining influences of finding a direct statement, approved apostolic ex-ample or necessary inference to authorize our teaching and practice.

We have some among us who are terrorized by the ghost of tradition. Never mind that traditions are sometimes approved and other times condemned. Paul wrote, "Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern" (Phil. 3:17). He also said, "Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle" (2 Thess. 2:15). The church at Thessalonica was charged to "withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us" (2 Thess. 3:6). So, all traditions are not to be rejected.

The Source of Apostolic Teaching

Those who worry about putting too much emphasis on the epistles need to be reminded of the source of the message in the epistles. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to guide the apostles into all truth, bringing to their remembrance what Jesus had taught them, and revealing to them truth which Jesus had not expressed while with them in person. Read John 16:7-14. Paul said, "These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches" and then added, "But we have the mind of Christ"
1 Cor. 2:13,16). "If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord"
(I Cor. 14:37).

Now, if the apostles were guided by the Holy Spirit, had the mind of Christ, and what they wrote were the words of Christ, how say some among us that we need to minor in the epistles?

New Testament congregations which received and obeyed apostolic instruction in the epistles were following the will of Christ. That is why Jude wrote, "But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Jude 17). Those words were a pattern to shape our thinking and practice.

A "Better" Way?

Some of those who are weary of precept, approved apostolic example and necessary inference, tell us that this is not all bad but they have found a "better way," that in addition to these means of establishing divine authority, we may add the three "P's", principle, purpose and perception. Older brethren will recall the time when E.R. Harper was trying to find divine authority for the Herald of Truth sponsoring church arrangement and came up with "principle eternal." He had no precept, no approved apostolic example and no necessary inference from the word of God, so he found it in "principle eternal." But how do we know what principle to follow except in terms of what the word of God actually says? How do we know what purpose is to be served apart from divine instruction? How do we know what perception or perspective was present except from what is said in the text?

It is being argued that the only pattern for us is what we think Jesus would do. That is a subjective approach to religion. We "walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor. 5:7). Faith rests upon solid evidence, not subjective feelings and perceptions. The truth of the matter is that Jesus taught by the use of commands and precepts. What do you make of the Great Commission if that is not so? He "left us an example that we should follow in his steps" (1 Pet. 2:21). He also drew necessary conclusions (Matt. 22:23-33) or left it so that his hearers would do so.

There seems to be a terrible dread among some (especially some younger men) that they will do something which brethren have done before and therefore will fall into some theological rut from which they will not be able to extricate themselves. So they tinker with the order of the worship until it borders on disorder. They fear that worship will not be exciting enough. But exciting to whom? To us, or to our God? They must deliver us from boredom. But who is bored? Are we bored, or is God? Certainly worship ought to be offered from the whole heart. We ought not to go through empty rituals. But God has ordained certain acts of worship and who am Ito say that he is bored when his children perform these acts in harmony with what God himself instructed us to do?

These are dangerous times. The only safe guide to see us through these times is the inerrant, eternal word of God. It is a perfect guide. Our eternal destiny is too important to entrust to the shifting sands of human opinion and subjective religion. "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psa. 11:3) Let's hear what Jesus said in the gospels but let's not minimize what he said in the epistles through Holy Spirit-guided apostles. That is also a part of the word that will judge us in the last day (Jn. 12:48-49).

Guardian of Truth - October 7, 1993



Other Articles by Connie W. Adams

Divine Authority and Human Relations
Diving Authority and the Creation
In Remembrance of These Things

The Perception Is ...
Sound Speech or Sound Silence?
Protecting Churches From Error
The Problem of Private Lust
The Trend Among the Young Preachers
Old Song, New Singers
Umbrella Religion
Lest Anyone Should Deceive You


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The Christian and Money

Sunday Morning College Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Sunday Mornings at 9:30
Download the current outlines:

Lesson 1 - Money and the Revealing of Our Hearts
Lesson 2 - Earning Money
Lesson 3 - Spending Money and Debt
Lesson 4 - Money and the Family

Lesson 5 - Money and the Local Church
Click Here for Audio

The Character and Attributes of God

Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - Diligently Seeking God
Lesson 2 - A Holy God
Lesson 3 - A Jealous God
Lesson 4- The Wrath and Longsuffering of God
Lesson 5 - The Love and Forgiveness of God
Click Here for Audio

University church of Christ


Assembly Times


   Bible Classes (9:30)

   AM Worship (10:20)

   PM Worship (6:00 pm)


   Bible Classes
(7:00 PM)



449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830

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Overcoming the Present Apostasy

Sermon Series by Larry Rouse

Piscataway, NJ Nov 20-22, 2009



Friday Night 7:30

Lesson1 - How Do We View the Bible?


Saturday Night 7:30

Lesson 2 - How do we View the World?


Sunday Morning 9:15
Lesson 3 - How do we View God's Order for Leadership?


Sunday Morning 10:00
Lesson 4 - How Do We View the Local Church?


Sunday Morning 11:00
Lesson 5 - How Do We View God's Instruction on Fellowship


For Additional Information, Audio and Outlines Click Here


Recent Bulletins:

The Auburn Beacon - Dec 26, 2010 Edition

The Auburn Beacon - Dec 19, 2010 Edition

The Auburn Beacon - Dec 12, 2010 Edition

The Auburn Beacon - Dec 5, 2010 Edition

The Auburn Beacon - Nov 28, 2010 Edition

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