Gospel preachers of past generations were willing to go into any
neighborhood and begin to plead for the old paths. They would
issue challenges to false teachers, and genuinely plead for a
"thus saith the Lord" in all matters of doctrine, organization,
morals, etc.
have grown because we have continually demanded that God's word
must authorize every action; in other words, a passage of
scripture had to authorize before an action could begin. This is
a good stand for it is encompassed with scripture
(Jude 3; 1 Pt 4:11).
Gradually over recent years, the plea of preachers has somewhat
changed. Preachers have become more educated. Congregations have
demanded certain changes take place. Preachers have been willing
to tickle their ears, thus yielding ground to their unauthorized
whims. This generation has been reared with institutionalism
almost inseparably connected with it. We practice because we
have always practiced . . .!
Whereas, tradition has never "authorized by God" any action!
Now, the old denominational argument (forever ridiculed by some
gospel preachers) has become the clarion cry of some brethren:
"It is nowhere condemned in the scriptures." The Christian
Church preacher for his instrument makes this argument. The
Catholic for his beads in prayer makes it. If people limit
themselves to this principle, they will open the door to all
kinds of innovations!
did not think I would ever hear among "Church of Christ"
preachers a like argument made. But when one begins to press for
scriptures for the present innovations into the church work;
viz., Herald of Truth, Orphan Homes, Old Folk Homes, Fellowship
Dinners, all forms of entertainment, etc., this is their
argument: "It is nowhere condemned in the scriptures." But that
is not the issue at all, but "Where is it authorized in the
scriptures?" I know of no one who is so biased that he would not
accept when presented scriptural proof of the "right" of these
things as operated to exist, but where is the scripture? It is
distressing to see brethren pulling themselves away from New
Testament teaching, but remember, "They went out from us, but
they were not of us: for if they had been of us, they would no
doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might
be made manifest that they were not all of us"
(1 Jn 2:19).
Brethren, let us all hold to the truth, demanding scriptural
authorization for every action that we do. One can know this is
Other Articles
Forsaking True Worship
Have You Ever Been a Seeker?
An Undeclared War
Tougher Minded
There Is A Higher Standard
Too Late for Tears
Worthy of Worship
Assuming the Better